beauticians hands alternately on one side of the waist to mention a small celebration. Repeat - times then do the other side. br , then is acupuncture, and beauticians turn down the air sea, Guan Yuan, in a very, waterways, tian, a herve leger large cross, with a pulse, water, under the epigastrium, the points in order Zhongwan press. , acupuncture is completed, beauticians, massage it on a small celebration to appease his hands in the waist and abdomen position clockwise circle, a small celebration feel very comfortable.
then, while his hands slipped back on both sides of beauticians to point Shenshu behind, and then return to the groin pull discharge. dial groin, right after the first left. and then use one-handed thumb Rouan groin, also do first on the left, do herve leger dress right. , beauticians then rub your hands with unilateral ovarian, appropriate efforts , according to the first left and the right order, so that a small celebration feel very relaxed, beautician double hand rub to appease the uterus. experience feelings: do the whole project down I felt really personally very comfortable, I had the stomach below the uterus are ice, but now it is warm. beauty Teachers say that I am doing this project, next to the time period may be a bit deep color, but they are normal, which means that the body of toxins herve leger bandage dress in the discharge. In short, I think this project is also good, if upheld, I think it should be pelvic inflammatory disease on my helpful. small link: pelvic inflammatory disease, how diet? Diet of pelvic inflammatory disease patients have to pay attention to strengthening nutrition. febrile period Yi Shi light digestible diet, on patients with high fever disability allowance may be granted pear juice or apple juice, watermelon juice drink, but not iced drink after.
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