Monday, January 17, 2011

The Zhao celebrates to etc

According to understand, the regiment is has committed crime since October, this year, total in the bead sea, the Zhao celebrates to etc. Guangdong region to commit crime about 50, Macau is 8, all of the victim are a Yue Ao the personage in the two sides, its middle age and old people and women is mostly.Over
(Responsibility editor:Yellow sea)
Win a proper guest of new agency to give or get an electric shock(Zhang Lang Tang Yan) the afternoon of the 29th on December 29, the provincial governor Jiang Ju Feng of Sichuan province declares in proper guest harbor ambition city homework area in proper guest City:Proper guest harbor in Sichuan formally opens harbor!
According to the introduction, the proper guest harbor is one of the six greatest vital points harbors in Yangtze River of national programming, also Sichuan currently the biggest vital point harbor, opening the proper guest harbor of harbor empress will become the important transportation vital point that the Chuan, Dian and Qian combines a department.

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